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Extreme Weather Service Arrangement

【惡劣天氣下服務安排】 1. 八號或以上颱風信號 • 在開診時間前/內懸掛:本中心將即時暫停營業,所有客戶毋須前往本中心。 • 在開診時間結束前已除下八號或更高颱風信號:在正常情況下,本中心將於颱風信號除下的兩小時後恢復營業;颱風信號除下後兩小時及之前的預約將全部予以取消;颱風信號除下兩小時後,已預約的客戶應考慮當時天氣情況及可供使用的交通服務等各因素,前往本中心。 2. 黑色暴雨信號 • 在開診時間前發出:所有客戶毋須前往本中心。 • 在開診時間內發出:本中心一般會如常營業,特別情況除外。 • 在開診時間結束前已除下黑色暴雨信號:在正常情況下,本中心將於黑色暴雨信號除下兩小時後恢復營業;黑色暴雨信號除下後兩小時及之前的預約將全部予以取消,客戶毋須前往本中心;黑色暴雨信號除下兩小時後,已預約的客戶應考慮當時天氣情況及可供使用的交通服務等各因素,決定是否前往本中心。 【Bad Weather Service Arrangement】 1. Tropical Cyclone Signal • When Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is in force, our services will be suspended. • Our services will normally be resumed within 2 hours after the typhoon signal No. 8 is lowered within our service hours. All appointments two hours or earlier after the typhoon signal is lowered will be cancelled. Two hours after the typhoon signal is lowered, customers who have made a reservation should consider factors such as weather conditions and available transportation services at the time to go to our centre. 2. Black Rainstorm Warning Signal • If Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted before the commencement of service hours, our services will be suspended. • If Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted within the service hours, our centre will be in service as usual, except for special circumstances. • If Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is cancelled, our services will normally be resumed within 2 hours. Affected appointments would be rescheduled once our services have been resumed.