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- Male Genital Ulcer

Male genital ulcer refers to the inflammation of the foreskin and male genital head (glans) due to infection, trauma, tumor, allergy and unknown reasons. The general symptoms of male genital ulcer are:
- Swelling of the urethra
- Wounds on the genitals or foreskin
- The foreskin gradually tightens
- Increased smegma and odor
- Tingling, numbness, or itching around the genitals or anus
- Small blisters on or around the genitals that may pop, ulcerate, and be painful
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Tingling when urinating
There are many causes of male genital ulcers, which can be roughly divided into infection, trauma, tumor, allergy and unknown reasons, among which the most common are:
- Syphilis caused by Treponema pallidum infection due to risky sexual behavior;
- Chancroid in Haemophilus ducrezia infection;
- Genital herpes
Genital ulcers can be transmitted by sexual contact and can occur throughout the year.
It is important to find out the cause of long-term genital ulcer as soon as possible and make targeted treatment to avoid secondary infections caused by ulcers or infecting family members.
Clinically, chronic male genital ulcers are the most common, and chronic male genital ulcers can have varying degrees of impact on sexual function, forming a vicious circle.
The impacts of male genital ulcers:
- Pain during sex that affects your partner’s sex life
- Small cracks and swelling in the skin inside the foreskin and at the opening of the foreskin
- Can cause severe genital ulceration
Comprehensive Genital Ulcer Screening

For inquiries, please contact
Tel : (852) 3160 4886
or Email : enquiry@neohealth.com.hk

9-valent HPV vaccine (Gardasil 9)
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Health Screening
We provide a variety of plans to meet your needs. In addition to analyzing the medical report, we also care about your lifestyle and family medical history before giving professional medical advice. If you obtain abnormal test results, we can arrange for more detailed testing and high-quality treatment services to get early treatment and reduce the chance of recurrence.