PEP is a type of antiretroviral drug treatment that given to patients at risk in order to reduce the risk of infection after exposure to HIV. After unprotected intercourse or needlestick accidents, PEP must be taken within 72 hours of exposure, and its effects have been proven to be very effective. The whole course of treatment lasted 28 days. Because PEP can delay viral replication, people who suspect infection and have taken it should be re-tested for HIV after 1, 3 and 6 months.
PEP is expensive ($8,4000 to $15,500) and consider carefully if you need it. Therefore, it is important to consult specialised medical doctor before using PEP. Due to the limited supply of PEP in Hong Kong, if you need urgent treatment, please contact us by WhatsApp (852) 9228 6617 or email: neo@neohealth.com.hk
Things to consider before taking an HIV antibody test:
The center and other agencies can provide ongoing support for those who may feel anxious when undergoing an HIV antibody test.
Anyone who intends to undergo an HIV antibody test should discuss their concerns with a counselor, nurse or doctor.
The medical information of all clients of the center is kept strictly confidential.
Customers can use the code or (unnamed) to receive HIV antibody test.
The Department of Health will receive information on new case counts, but never include client names.
In many countries, HIV-infected persons are required by law to inform current and future sexual partners.
People living with HIV may face discrimination in personal relationships or employment.
Applications for life insurance and visas for certain countries may be affected.
The information provided on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, nor is its content intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Before receiving any new treatment, or when users have medical symptoms, or discover or suspect any personal health problems, they should consult a doctor or other qualified medical personnel as soon as possible to avoid delay in diagnosis and treatment. The content of this webpage is for informational purposes only and is by no means a recommendation for any diagnosis, medical method or counterfeit medicine.

9-valent HPV vaccine (Gardasil 9)
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Health Screening
We provide a variety of plans to meet your needs. In addition to analyzing the medical report, we also care about your lifestyle and family medical history before giving professional medical advice. If you obtain abnormal test results, we can arrange for more detailed testing and high-quality treatment services to get early treatment and reduce the chance of recurrence.