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Preparation for Examination

- For glucose, lipid profile and cholesterol test, no drinking and eating for 8 hours prior to examination, but with moderate intake of water.
- If you are scheduled for an examination in the afternoon, you may take a light breakfast and remain fasted and no drinking until the completion of your examination.
- Urine specimen needs to be held i.e. not attending the washroom for 2 hours before arriving our centre.
- During menstrual period, urine test and gynaecological check-up should be avoided. Please contact us to reschedule the examination at least five days after menstrual period.
Blood Taking
- Please inform our staff if you have any record of Vasovagal Syncope. Precaution measures will be arranged accordingly
- Please press the venipuncture site for 5-10 minutes to prevent excessive bleeding
- Avoid strenuous exercise or lifting heavy weights with the arm of blood taking in the same day.
Stool Collection
- Fresh sample should be taken to avoid chemical decomposition which will affect the accuracy of test result.
- A stool sample in the size of a peanut should be collected into a sterile container.
Medical Imaging
If you are pregnant or suspected pregnancy, no X-ray examination should be performed
MRI is a safe and easy examination without any radiation. Patients do not need to prepare for most of the examinations. However, because of the strong magnetic field in the scan room. Certain conditions may preclude you from having an MRI examination. Please alert our staff if one or more of the following conditions may apply to you.
– Pacemaker
– Aneurysm clips
– Pregnancy
– Metal implant
– Vascular stent
– Claustrophobia
– History of renal failure
– Tattoo and permanent cosmetics
-Metallic foreign body Shrapnel or bullet wound
– Neurostimulator
– Dentures
– Any history of drug or food allergy
After a thorough pre-scan evaluation, our staff will notify you if you can have the examination. We might modify the scanning protocol for your unique condition. For contrast study, there is no need to fast prior to the examination. For abdominal MRI (Including MRCP), patient should cease eating and drinking at least 4 hours prior to the examination.
- Upper Abdomen Scan- no eating or drinking at least 6 hours prior to the examination.
- Lower Abdomen/ Pelvis / Prostate (Transrectal Transvaginal) – Please empty your bladder prior to the examination.
- Lower Abdomen/ Prostate (Transabdominal)- Please drink lots of water until your urinary bladder is nearly full.
- Whole Abdomen – No eating at least 6 hours prior to the examination. Please drink lots of water until your urinary bladder is nearly full
- Do not apply any deodorant lotion or powder to the axilla before the examination.
- Please inform staff if you are pregnant or suspected to be pregnant.
Bone Health Density Screening – DEXA
- Please avoid any barium examination at least seven days prior to the examination
- Please inform our staff if you are pregnant or suspected to be pregnant.
For inquiries, please contact
Tel : (852) 3160 4886
or Email : enquiry@neohealth.com.hk

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