What is the normal age for the first menstruation? Some girls start at the age of 8. Doctor: "These two factors" influence the timing of menstruation. Children can show signs of early development and early maturation due to factors such as obesity and environmental hormone influences.

Most girls experience their first menstruation between the ages of 10 and 14, with an average age of around 12. In recent years, due to factors such as childhood obesity and environmental hormone influences, children have shown signs of early development and early maturation. The age at which girls start menstruating varies from person to person, with some starting as early as 8 years old, while others may not start until after the age of 16. Parents should be attentive to these variations.
Nurse Tsai Qian-yin from the Youth Friendly Care Team at Children’s Integrated Hospital explains that studies have shown that women experience an average of 3,000 days of menstrual periods throughout their lives, and nearly 80% of women experience premenstrual syndrome. This means that they may experience physical and mental discomfort in the 1 to 2 weeks before menstruation due to hormonal changes. Therefore, promoting menstrual education and eliminating the stigma and taboos surrounding menstruation are important for fostering empathy and respecting both genders.
The onset of menstruation has a significant impact on the body and mind. When parents notice that their daughter’s height is rapidly increasing and the characteristics of the breasts become more noticeable, they can provide guidance on menstruation-related knowledge and prepare 2 to 3 sanitary pads and underwear in a small bag to reduce anxiety and panic when their child experiences menstruation.
During adolescence, girls may have irregular periods during the first 2 to 3 years of menstruation as their development is not fully matured. Menstrual cycles can range from as short as 2 to 3 weeks to as long as several months. Parents should not be overly concerned, but if there are any concerns, they can seek consultation from a pediatric or gynecology department.
Dr. Chen Xu-peng from the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department points out that a normal menstrual cycle occurs every 24 to 38 days, with bleeding ending within 8 to 9 days. Abnormal menstruation is characterized by bleeding lasting more than 9 days and causing symptoms such as dizziness, anemia, and abnormal pain that affect daily life. In such cases, medical examination should be sought to identify the underlying causes.
To prevent and alleviate menstrual pain, it is recommended to avoid consuming cold beverages during normal days and periods. Applying heat to the abdomen can also provide relief. If menstrual discomfort causes significant physical and mental pain, seeking professional medical treatment is advised.
Source: Neowave