50 starts menopause? 10 common symptoms: decreased libido, insomnia, unexplained hot flashes, ovarian function decline, hormonal changes affecting mind and body.

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Here are the common menopausal and aging symptoms encountered after age 50.

1. Hot flashes and night sweats: Sudden feelings of intense heat, flushing, and increased heart rate, often starting on the face and neck. Night sweats can disrupt sleep.

2. Emotional changes: Mood swings, anxiety, and depression, likely linked to hormonal changes.

3. Insomnia: Difficulty falling and staying asleep, leading to fatigue.

4. Decreased libido: Decline in estrogen and progesterone levels can reduce sexual desire.

5. Increased wrinkles and age spots: Loss of collagen and elasticity leads to more visible aging of the skin.

6. Osteoporosis: Estrogen decline causes weakening of the bones.

7. Muscle loss and weakness: Slowing metabolism leads to loss of muscle mass and strength.

8. Memory and cognitive decline: Changes in brain structure and function can impair memory and cognition.

9. Slower metabolism and weakened immunity: Metabolic rate and immune function tend to decline with age.

10. Increased cardiovascular disease risk: Hormonal changes, weight gain, and sedentary lifestyle can raise the risk of high cholesterol, hypertension, etc.

These natural physiological changes can be managed through healthy lifestyle, appropriate medical care, and exercise to maintain quality of life.

Source: Neowave